CD: “The Last Dance To The Carousel” Album Launch by Aaron Gregory
April 4, 2013Centre Stage, Bournemouth
Featuring Joel Gregory & Estee, Aaron Jamie, and Becky Plotneck

Aaron Gregory is a pillar of the local music community generously supporting the scene with a number notable charity events to his name, he recently arranged a small 2 stage indoor festival called “Sparkle Fest”, and has given his time for free to compare a gig at On The Rocks during the Oxjam weekend.
Tonight that generosity continues as a portion of the door money from this his album launch gig goes to providing much needed equipment for local schools. Aaron’s new album “Last Dance To The Carousel” is a concept album all about the local Dorset area, and tonight it is being unveiled to the public here at the home of the Bournemouth Folk Club at the Centre Stage. This evening a bountiful amount of quality support acts have been laid on to keep the audience entertained before Aaron takes to the stage.
The first to take to the stage is local teenage Poole girl Becky Plotneck who is performing her very 1st ever live performance here tonight. Despite this, she seems confident with hardly any nerves and calmly takes her place on the stage with just her acoustic guitar. Becky takes on some tough songs by Corrine Bailey Rae, Laura Marlin, and “Blackbird” by The Beatles which she executes really well showing what a great well toned voice she has. A surprise in the form of an explicit version Frank Turner’s “Heartless B**tard Mother F**Ker” turns a few heads in the audience, I’m sure though this song has been chosen for that exact reason, I hope her Mother approved. Becky leaves the stage to some huge applause which starts her musical career off in a very positive way.
Next up is local singer songwriter Aaron Jamie who had not performed on stage until a few years ago when he picked up a guitar and performed at one of the many open mic sessions, he enjoyed it so much he continued. Aaron has a very passionate soulful voice and when singing his own original songs they are delivered in a very heartfelt way. The slightly negative side to his performance which I am sure with time can be improved is the unorganised way his is on stage. Not really having a prearranged plan of what he is going to play, indecisively flicking through his notes. It did not help that his music stand was right near his face so the audience had an obscured view of him. Putting these points aside his vocals and guitar on these well written songs shine through to impress throughout his short 30 minute set.
Next up we have Aaron’s brother Joel Gregory who has been making a name for himself after moving to London, working the busy music scene very hard to get his music out there. A reward was forth coming in the form of nationwide coverage on TV programme “Soccer Am” with his fellow performer, rapper, Estee. Joel stepped out on the stage with just his acosutic guitar and proceeded to blow everyone in the room away with his beautifully soulful voice that really delivers in a big way. The previously noisey audience were tamed into silence as Joel’s performance demanded attention, with songs like the brilliant “1989” and the gentle “Turn Off The Lights”. Estee then takes to the stage to give a completely unique performance accompanied by Joel on piano with a song that combines the two styles of vocals in a very original way. Estee’s non aggressive rapping style and Joel’s soulful tone provides the audience with a performance to remember, their very loud applause indicated their huge enjoyment of the set.
Living in the shadow of a sibling is not an easy thing to do and it is a very big ask of Aaron to follow that performance, kicking off with the opening title track of the album “”Last Dance To The Carousel” is apparent that the vocals are sadly not a patch on his brothers. The locally based songs like the seedy “Derby Road”, and “We Will Always Have Weymouth” are received well and the audience give Aaron lots of positive encouragement.
Aaron is joined on stage by Sean Gallager who provides some excellent accompaniment on guitars and bass along with singer Sarah webb who’s vocals really bring these songs to life especially “To The Sea” where this catchy tune got much of the audience singing along, it was a shame Sarah’s delightful voice was not used on more of the songs. A unusual choice of cover in the form of the Oasis song “Mucky Fingers” is thrown into the set while a technical problem is sorted. “Under Parkstone Skies” is a songs dedicated to the sights and sounds of Ashley Cross with it’s inspiration coming from the summer “Grooves On The Green” festival. The best song of the night is “Smoke” which has a catchy infectious chorus which was popular with the gracious audience. In all the thing that stood out for me tonight were how very disappointed I was at how weak Aaron’s vocals were compared to many of the other singers, I so wanted to be positive about his singing as he works so hard and is genuinely a really nice chap, but despite his best efforts he was upstaged by many of his invited support acts.
Aaron Gregory
Joel Gregory & Estee
Aaron Jamie
Becky Ploteck
Artist Links
Words, Pictures & Video by Dave “ummm YouTube” Chinery (Chinners)
I believe this is a very unfair review of Aaron Gregory. Im saying this as somebody who doesn’t know Aaron personally and i went to the centre stage to see a folk club event. You obviously haven’t listened to the album and the lyrics. I thought they were fantastic which led me to buy an album. Furthermore the centre stage was the fullest that i have seen it so he must be doing something right. I was looking forward to this review but i feel it has completely missed the point of Aaron Gregory. Bob Dylan, Ray Davies, Lou Reed, not great singers but great songwriters. Aarons songs are all very different yet are tied together by brilliant melodies. Im looking forward to his next record. I hope this review doesn’t put him off
I agree with the above link, i have just got to this link from facebook excited to read about a brilliant night that me and my freinds had and it does seem to miss the point. I do know Aaron but only from meeting him at gigs and his songs like To the Sea, Summer Days, Elephant and the coast are bloody awesome. Im not sure if you have listened to the album start to finish, im guessing you havent because i think it is a great acheivement of a record. Im fed up of people singing about things i don’t know about. Here along comes a clever songwriter who does and i get excited about and he gets panned, i just dont get it and i doubt the other 130 in the building will.
This is a very very unfair review, i had a great time with Aarons Show, Dissapointing, i won’t be visating this webpage again
Fair play guys it was a very hard review to write as I respect Aaron so much, but I feel being honest is always the best policy, reading the whole review there are positives and negatives.
I have been following Aaron since his days in Pretty Visitors, a band i loved. I respect the reviewers opinion. My opinion however is that Aaron doesn’t have a dissapointing voice. In fact quite the opposite. The problem is comparing the 2 brothers, it is like comparing Jeff buckley to Damon Albarn. Both are amazing songwriters but miles apart in regards to their styles. I think it is commendable that Aaron is so passionate about music and because of that he is not frightened of picking great acts for being upstaged because he is just as passionate about everybody enjoying their set to his. In the time i have been following Aaron Gregory, he has introduced me to the likes of Hannah Williams (Number 3 in the itunes soul chart) The Papershades, Mischa and his merry men and of course Joel. Like i said this isn’t a go at the reviewer but surely it is obvious just how good these songs of Aaron’s are, there are absolute gems in there. We will always have weymouth is a beautiful song about loss and holding on to a moment, i dont know any of his peers who can deliver songs such as that. Im very looking forward to seeing him play Lymington this wednesday
Aaron and Joel have completely different music styles. I feel like to compare them is crazy and your review of Aaron was very condescending. I think you hugely missed the point of Aaron Gregory. His music is brilliant and it comes from the heart.
I thought all the acts were ace, Aaron especially, Smoke and we will always have weymouth and to the sea are tunes!
I am someone who doesn’t go to many live gigs, this doesn’t mean i dont like live music. I went to this show and really enjoyed it. The reason, because it was fun, full, everything ran on time and their was no self indulgence (By this i mean overstretched sets). This is down to Aaron handpicking acts he believed would give everybody their value for money. Aarons show and voice as well certainly was not bad and in fact it is quite refreshing to see someone not overusing vocals and focusing on the melodies of the song. I will continue to go to Aaron’s shows because i love the songs, they have grown with him over time. There are alot of statements of the album missed here, this is the first album that has spoken about the changes to a seaside town following recession and technological revolution (Last Dance to the Carousel) I think more of the bournemouth acts should follow suit, the reason i can imagine people are frustrated with the reviews is because the song qualities seem to have been side stepped completely and a completely unneccessary comparison of both of the brothers was drawn. I think it was obvious to every person in the room that the styles of all the singers was different which is what made it good, who wants to pay £5 and here the same thing 4 times
I never made the show but reading the review i think the summation is poor, it says nothing about the quality of the songs, the albums concept, the style Aaron is playing (Which is evidently very different to Joel’s) or the fact that the guy has just released a pretty good album. The review has focused on an unnessesary and lazy comparison between two brothers quote’ Living in the shadow of a sibling is not an easy thing to do’. Rather than celebrating siblings having two unique styles it has belittled Aaron in regards to the pairs differing singing ranges. I have played many gigs with Aaron’s old band in my old days at uni in winchester and he was and im sure still is a relentless and passionate performer. But i wasn’t at the show so i cant comment. Im only commenting because as a supporter this can be seen as a very damaging review and it is sad that it made it out that 1 brother was superior to the other when both are excellent songwriters and should be celebrated
I went to the show and loved the style of music that Aaron played. I know there have been many comments which to me suggests that the reviewer got it wrong. The style of music reminds me of recent Arctic Monkeys, blur and velvet underground. Maybe the reviewer doesn’t listen to these styles of music and therefore have an open mind to it. Its obvious Aaron doesn’t need to worry, he is heavilly supported by a larger fanbase than i have seen for any other local act. Im only writing because like many others i just found the summation of the show quite baffling i just wonder if the reviewer understood the type of music he was listening to
This is an odd review, i have stumbled upon it late but i loved the gig and Aaron’s lyrics are so witty and clever, so the review confused me in all honesty. It is very harsh considering me and all my freinds who went thought it was a superb set up that will hopefully begin to flourish. This was Aarons first show in 6 months and he had organised it all so no wonder a few nerves prevailed but i believe he pulled it off big time and fair play to him, i dont see enough local acts taking risks to invest there time in putting on such cracking events or albums, Aaron has done all this alone and on zero funding. Aaron should be commended not put down by people he speaks so highly of, like the other comments im just guessing this reviewer didn’t understand what Aaron meant to those people in that room and the lyrics, i live in Parkstone, so to hear a song about my area is lovely, i cant think of many other artists that i can relate to so personally
I have only just re read this review, i just wanted to thank all the fans who supported me following this. Some of the words you have said in your comments are very kind and don’t worry it’s not going to change the way that i do things. Music is all about expression and opinions. Rock regeneration were entitled to theirs it is fine. I feel very humbled to be supported by so many following this and can assure you that i will be sticking to my guns and releasing album number 2. I dont make music for the reviews, i make it because i enjoy it, thanks everybody, See you at Cellar Bar, Monday x
I just saw Aaron play at Frogham festival yesterday and i am now glad to say i am a new fan so i have been looking up and down the web for more reviews and material on my favourite new artist. Then i read this review and I just thought REALLY!! I was not there but it doesn’t seem to sum up the vibe of the audience at all. He had the audience singing along to songs they didn’t know yesterday. Cant be all that bad