CD: “Make Believe” by Candy Cavalry
April 3, 2013
All the way from Fareham comes Candy Cavalry who, earlier in March, released “Make Believe” their third release, second album, with an EP in between the two.
The brainchild of Sam Ray, the album is described as having a sound somewhere between electronic rock and alternative rock, reminiscent of Angels and Airwaves. With a strong electronic sound, melded and driven by guitar they have an amazingly invigorating sound in their new release “Make Believe” (and the album is brilliant). The comparision to Angels and Airwaves is easily drawn, not just in aural experience, but the quality of production.
The 13 track album has a well produced clear sound, from the opening “When The Clock Strikes Thirteen”, through to the closing “Just A Day Away” the beat keeps your attention whilst your own pulse beats. Every track is expertly layered, from the electronic soundscapes that underpin the album, to the rock guitar and drums which infuse energy, giving an identity to everything.

“Being Alone” instrumental that gently guides you into “New Air”, and turn the tempo down giving the listener pause for thought, or at least time to catch their breath! Certainly the secondhalf of the album is slightly slower than the first half, closing with “Just A Day Away” lifting that tempo back up again.
“Make Believe” is an exceedingly well polished album that is flawlessly executed, with a great refreshing sound, that is well worth checking out.
(I still find it hard to believe that this is a solo project)

Track Listing
When the Clock Strikes Thirteen
Scared of the Dark
A Pin Drop
When You Wake Up I’ll Be Gone
War of the Worlds
Being Alone
New Air
Know the Sounds
Missile Dreams
Follow the Crowd
From Heaven
Just a Day Away
Word by Jon.