EP: “Brockley Forest” by Brockley Forest
March 3, 2013
Brockley Forest have been playing support slots just about every Bristol venue. Honing their sleazy blues/hard-rock sound, and have released their self-titled debut EP.
“Out Of Control” an interesting opening that in the first few seconds you think you are in for some southern twang on a slide guitar, that soon evaporates as the bass starts quickly followed by some determined drums, and attention demanding vocals. As the track progresses I am reminded of the album “Heartbreak Station” by Cinderella, although this has a whiskey soaked heavier sound. To start with I wondered where that comparision came from. Bit on subsequent listens of the EP that dirty Southern sound is there. In fact it is obvious (that would be me listening to the music before researching the band), intertwined with that dirty bass and guitar. That guitar has an addictive quality. This is followed by “Say My name”, which again opens in way that could go down the path to Southern Rock, with it’s sliding/picking sounding guitar, that is immediately betrayed by some pounding beats, and great guitar work mixing Southern with a heavier vibe.

“Give It Away” is more of the heavier element than that Southern sound, but that guitar is there pounding out the riffs, couple this with a dirty vocal sound and you are left wanting more, which is a shame as it is the shortest track on the EP, wading in at just under 3 minutes. The heavy feel is maintained through “Love and Cream” opening with that heavy slide sound that just sets these tracks off. Closing with “Only One Survived” the vocals take on a an almost distorted sound, and seem more prominent than the other tracks. The vocals are accompanied with slower paced guitar attacks, and very little else. Them about two thirds through explode with drums, bass, and that Southern twang. What a great way to end the EP.
If you want some Southern sounding blues influenced hard rock then check these guys out. Support slots? These guys are ready to take the headlines.
To buy the EP check out the details can be found on their web-site;
Out Of Control
Say My Name
Gave It Away
Love And Cream
Only One Survived
Words by Jon “I am getting more local with the bands I am reviewing”.