CD: “In Valour” by Elysium
March 27, 2013
Describing themselves as “four lads from Watford”, home of Lower Than Atlantis, and The Gallows, comes “Elyisum”, and they are armed and ready with their debut EP ready for release in May.
Their melodic brand of metal will keep your attention as the riffs and pounding beat will keep your attention. Opening with “In Valor” you are treated to a strong opening and great tempo as the track nibbles away at you. With the guitar drawing you in as Matts clear vocals take over, yet as the track progresses there is an agrees ion, a rawness, that creeps in giving an added depth.
Moving into “I’m A Thief But I keep What I steal”, there is a raw feel to the track, and from the start the aggression is there. But the vocals take the edge off, leaving a track that keeps wanting to be played. Closing in a gentle relaxing manner, that betrays the punk/hard-core peak that the tracks hits in the middle. This paves the way for “Scars”, less distortion, but upping the tempo it’s a fast paced that crowns the EP, although “Thief…” is a contender!

“Boy” closes the EP, and again expertly blends the vocal styles, pulls the EP together. With the lyrics “there’s no turning back” Elysium have set themselves on a course, one they should have no fear of making as this riff laden EP shows that they are more than capable.
Line Up
Adrian Esgate – Drums
Alex Freed – Guitar
Matthew Bailey – Vocals
Isaac Stoutenburgh – Bass
Track Listing
In Valour
I’m A Thief But I Keep What I Steal
Words by Jon.