Bert’s Birthday Bash: Rebel Control/Pachango/Mountain Feet
March 9, 2013Mr Kyps, Poole

With a guestlist of some 163 and a stellar line-up of bands this is gonna be some Birthday for a certain Mr Bert Burnell musical director here at Mr Kyps.
Opening tonight are Mountain Feet, (well 2 of them)! They casually play their simple Alt/Country/Blues/Rock while the early arrivals continue to come into the venue. Their set is drowned somewhat, sadly due to everyone talking-but they carry on regardless. Jordan and Craig are two happy-go lucky chaps, banging out some songs on acoustic guitars. They play for a good half an hour before leaving to good applause.
Pachango take to the stage next. This multi-instrumentalist band need no introduction around these parts having graced this stage during the DMA’s. Tonight they number 10, although I’m sure there were 11 last time around! They open confidently as usual and when they do a number called “Goose Bumps” we are treated to some (I feel) unrehearsed “poetry” before they go into the song proper. Poetry or simply “ad-libing”, you the punter decide. Either way it gets a good response. The self titled “Pachango” proves very popular, inducing the first bout of dancing. There’s a good vibe going on now and they up the tempo with “Warrior” which has (to me) a Cajun feel to it. They play a few more tunes then leave to great applause.
Headliners tonight are none other than Brighton live Reggae favourites Rebel Control. Andy (vox) takes to the stage with confidence and a wide smile. This 4 piece immediately set out their stall early. The crowd respond immediately with their feet. “Police Siren” is popular, as is “Bounce” which has more than a passing resemblance to a certain House of Pain song. This is a band who clearly know their way around a stage and make sure crowd participation is encouraged! “Wind Down” is a highlight (even for a non-Reggae fan like me)! This band keep you interested while Andy’s eternal smile is infectious. They leave the stage but return for a somewhat unorthodox version of Radiohead’s “Creep”. This version in this setting really works and I for one am smiling! So, what better way to spend a Saturday evening in a near capacity venue and a vibrant nights entertainment.
Happy Birthday Bert!

Review and Pictures by Ross A. Ferrone.