EP: “Stand Your Ground” by Shouting Signals
February 22, 2013
Coming out of Essex are Shouting Signals, who are unleashing their debut EP this Spring. They have been working hard, and it shows, with great hooks and riffs, tremendous energy, and catchy to boot.
Opening proceedings with “Never Run Away” the lay the foundations for the rest of the EP. With it’s understated drum intro giving way to a hard paced guitar fuelled start. Thumping rhythm, and great energy. With Berties clear vocals drawing you in. “Breathe In, Breathe Out” is a little less bass orientated, but maintains the pace set by “Never Run away”, with more guitar work that just keeps you hooked. It’s with “One Forty” things take a slight change in direction, with a darker heavier opening, a little more old school perhaps, underpinned by a more aggressive drum line, and harder guitar work. it shows that these guys have the capable to take their music in any direction they want – and it still sounds great. “All My Answers” maintains the power, along with the guitar hooks, catchy melodies, and great vocals. Closing with “Penitence” you are left with no shadow of a doubt these guys should be destined for great things.

You might think that this has been done before, the sound is familiar, but there is a certain quality, a level of freshness that sets this EP apart. These guys have been working hard, and the EP shows this. If they keep up this level of quality they should do well, for a debut EP this great start to their career, shame it is not a full album.
There is an underlying power, like they are holding back, keeping the beast under control. Makes you think that live, the venue has to rock when they are in full swing. Being compared to “You Me At Six” and “30 Seconds From Mars”, and “Architects” seems like mighty praise, they seem capable, can they maintain it? Let’s hope so.
Line Up
Bertie Scott – VocalsScott Baker – Guitars
Rikk Malice – Guitars
Tom Clare – Bass
Jay Wilding – Drums
Never Run Away
One Forty
All my Answers
The Penitence
Words by Jon.