EP: “Let’s Not Rush Out And Tell The World” by Get Off My Shoes
February 22, 2013
Coming across the channel this year are the Belgium alt rockers “Get Off My Shoes”, being touted as having “echoes of Weezer, Bloc Party, and Foals”, this 6 piece are sure to leave an impression. They have a brand of completely understated euro-rock that willfind a way to crawl under your skin and get your foot tapping.
The EP starts with the soft mellow intro track “Let’s Not Rush Out And Tell The World”, an almost dreamy quality, a relaxing track that sets the scene for the rest of the EP. This segues into the higher temp “Dead Of Night” which closer in flavour to some of the British alt/indie-rock outfits, with it’s easily accessibly, and contagious sound. Provide by the faster paced guitars carrying you along. With a sound that uses both synth and guitar, this five piece have been able to layer the sounds on the EP perfectly.
“I Was Told A Lie Once” changes direction with it’s unashamed synth rock sound, all set to what initially feels an irregular synth beat, but soon flows into a solid sound of both synth and guitar. Whilst “Ghosts and Villains” grows into an annoyingly catchy track when the chorus kicks in, possibly the most easily accessibly on the EP.
“Autumn” is more laidback with it’s stronger synth opening, with it’s “wireless tuning” noise providing an almost ethereal feel along with heartbeat feel reminiscent of “Vienna” to the track, which ties in with it’s laid back vocals. The use of synths, although not their first use on the EP, shows how well they can blend in the various instruments seemlessly to produce their sound.
Even with their laid back sound, the EP has a bouncy punch to it, making it ideal for the Spring. Despite it’s feelgood sound there is at times an underlying disgruntled feel to the vocals, not quite aggression, but a withheld emotion. It would be interesting to these guys live to compare between the recording and the live atmosphere. These guys, for me, fall into the guilty pleasures area. I wouldn’t normally listen to the EP,but every now and then it would get a play and be well worth every second. Definitely a group to look out for, especially if you are in Belgium. Hopefully though this year will see them make a successful hop across the channel over to the UK.

They EP is available on the 1st April, on Thanks But No Thanks Records.
Line Up
Jonas Meukens: Vocals, Guitar, Synth
Jasper Willemen: Synth, Vocals
Glenn Van Criekingen: Bass, Vocals, Glockenspiel
Stijn Debontridder: Guitar
Ziggy Van Wallendael: Drums
Track Listing
Let’s Not Rush Out And Tell The World
Dead of Night
I Was Told A Lie Once
Ghosts and Villians
We’re Going Down And We Don’t Care
Wordage and “desire for more chocolate, and another trip to Bruges” Jon.