CD: “We Are Become Death” by Ravenous
February 15, 2013
Tomorrow sees the online release of the debut album “We Are Become Death” by Southampton groove and thrash metallers Ravenous.
They have a hard sound with some great guitar work, and the odd bit of guitar noodling, backed with some very energetic drum work. All topped off with more than just the usual lyrical material you get from thrash or metal bands, as there is more than meets the ear with regards to their lyrical content. This is no holds barred, from Daves dynamic vocals, through to the skillful full blooded sound from the rest of the band all working together. It is easy to draw comparisons to Pantera, and Metallica, as well as a few other 80’s-90’s bands, but these guys seems to have taken it to the next level, and have kept it fresh and up to date.
“Reverse” is a cracking track to get the old head banging away, with some astounding guitar work flowing out of my speakers, while “Easter Island” has vocals that sound like Metallica, while “Ravenous”, the title of which led to the name of the band, has a catchy rhythm and pounding drum intro. A more than appropriate track to be named from.
“Alone” is the mandatory, slow/power track. I always like these, as they tend to show versatility in the band, and that the vocalist has range. This is no exception, with it’s understated force, and just goes to reinforce how well these guys put their tracks together, and have honed their skills. “Architect” driving sound great riffage, that explodes into a fast paced frenzy that could leave your fingers bleeding. Closing the album is “The Strawman” a more than fitting close to the album with its hard punchy guitar work, fast paced lyrical delivery. and aggressive vocals, almost a stuff you if you didn’t like the last 50 odd minutes.
The 9 track barrage will leave you exhausted, and possibly wondering what hit you! Yet on repeated listens does not become tiring. This is tremendous debut for Ravenous, as well as a great start to Coffee Jingle records as their debut release. if both keep up this level of quality then they are both to be watched.

Line Up
David Game – Lead Guitar/Vocals
Leon Maidment Millar – Bass
Rich Giles – Drums
Adam Robbins – Rhythm Guitar
Track Listing
Words by Jon.