InMe/Midgar/Circle Of Reason
December 8, 2012Sound Circus, Bournemouth

Since 2003 Essex band InMe have made regular visits to Bournemouth performing at a number of venues building up a strong fan base making sure each time they visit there is a full crowd in front of them. Tonight at the Sound Circus it is no different an army of balmy InMe fans who have gathered at possibly their most intimate gig in Bournemouth to date.
Opening band “Circle Of Reason” from Bournemouth kick off the evening and initially struggle to get things together with a few technical issues knocking their confidence a little. Once they find their stride a new found confidence arrived and the band started to perform well showing the Sound Circus crowd just what they are made of. The band’s full on modern rock sound was shown in full force as they performed their impressive single “Sea Of Voices” which they said proudly has been shown on the Kerrang and Scuzz music channels. The short 30 minute set ended with lead singer Simon energetically jumping over the barrier into the crowd to perform a quick guitar solo much to the delight of the appreciative crowd.
InMe’s tour support “Midgar” arrived on stage after a very quick turn around looking a little like a boy band with smartly dressed waistcoats and neat hair cuts, but boy looks can certainly be deceptive. The band’s creative melodic twin guitar sound shaping style that really impressed from the start with some great songs that really packed a proverbial punch.The band really whipped up the excited audience with an impressive set list of songs which included the epic “Karmic Retribution” from the album “Lead Your Children To The Sky” which has an equally epic video available on You Tube worth checking out. The four piece from London have a certain air of professional confidence about them delivering what looks and sounds to be a very rehearsed performance that really impresses all on lookers. The band leave the stage to very well deserved applause from the Bournemouth crowd who were all now more than ready for the main attraction.
In years gone by bands such as Blur and Radiohead have both graced the stage at the Sound Circus when it was then called then “Hot House”; neither of them managed to pull a crowd like the one here tonight, the venue seems to be at full capacity as InMe take to the stage with a heroes welcome from all of their adoring fans. As usual the McPherson brothers have huge grins of their faces as the launch into “Moonlit Seabed” from the Pledge Music backed album “The Pride”. This is their 3rd leg of a tour in support of the band’s latest album and far from playing it safe they mix the set list up bringing a good collection of songs not played on other parts of their tour which is both challenging for the band as well as more interesting for the audience. The atmosphere in the place tonight was just amazing with the audience with the band for the whole set with many singing along the words to the new and older songs as well as several chaotic mosh pits forming in the centre of the crowded dance floor.
Dave McPherson announced that the band would be going away for a while after the conclusion of this tour to work on various solo projects as well as an ambitious triple InMe album that will feature a collection of songs on each disc following a certain theme. The gig was full of highlights from the powerfully intense sound of “Saccharine Arcadia” to the emotional attempted suicide theme of “Safe In A Room”, but just hearing the epic sounding “Lava Twilight” from their debut album “Overgrown Eden” once again was just awesome, a song that Dave wrote when he was just 16 years old. InMe finished of the evening in some style with a four song encore including crowd favourite “Faster The Chase” which saw the crowd being encouraged to form the wall of death which was thankfully safely executed. After a hectic 90 minute set the four members of the band seemed delighted with the reaction from the enthusiastic Bournemouth crowd and vowed to return …….. once again after such a fantastic evening.
Moonlit Seabed
Myths & Photographs
Single Of The Weak
Silver Womb
So You Know
Saccharine Arcadia
Safe In A Room
Halcyon Genesis
Here’s Hoping
Beautiful Sky Gardens
Master Storm
Lava Twilight
Reverie Shores
Faster The Chase
Buried Alive
Leap Of Faith
All I’ve Ever Done
Karmic Retribution
Life With No Fear
Circle Of Reason
Don’t Be Still
Chasing The Sun
Home (video)
Silver Scene
Themes Amongst Thieves
Sea Of Voices
More Videos from this gig can be found on our You Tube page.
Band Links
Review, Pictures & Videos By Dave Chinery.