CD: “Found & Lost” by Pipes & Pints
November 18, 2012
When Pipes and Pints 2nd LP “Found and Lost” came into my hands I couldn’t wait to hear it. A band who fuse Punk/Rock/Folk and bagpipes no less – a format that on paper shouldn’t work, but quite simply does!
The LP opens with “She’s The One”, an ode to a loved one maybe, but a strong opener. One could be forgiven for making the obvious Dropkick Murphy’s comparisons, but where this band differ is the inclusion of the highland bagpipes. “Volta” (pipes/vox) adds just enough to the song without drowning the other instruments. It’s a Punky/Folky number with a clear anthemic vocal delivery from Syco (lead vox).
On “Calling Me” the vocal is more gravelly while the overall sound is clean throughout. Another anthemic piece in the chorus and some great drumming make this one imagines a great live staple. Never Let You Down has a theme running through it of loyalty,friendship and drinking-what better content for a song! Another anthemic classic with a great bassline in the chorus. “Right or Wrong” is a song of “self-evaluation” – honest but lyrically snarly in places. There’s hints of the Clash; especially in the chorus, but its the pipes that take the plaudits in this song. “One Connection” is altogether faster and Punkier. Again a classic Folk/Punk song with a great chorus. Those “Hey Ho’s” are infectious on this LP highlight and one imagines another live favourite. “Her Life and Thoughts” continues with the fast-paced Punk noise. There’s some great bass lines accompanied by some equally great drumming. On title track “Found and Lost” we get an ode to good and bad memories. It’s a tale of life experiences with both personal and heartfelt lyrics that really hit the spot.

“Blackhearted Doubts” is a re-examination of a life history, picking out yearly milestones. Once again I feel it is a personal account of one band member, but it sticks to the format with the anthemic singalong and big middle 8. The chord change at the end works really well too. “Fear Is Just A Feeling” is quite simply self explanatory. There’s some excellent Punky guitars in there and more great pipes,along with that staple big middle 8. If there’s one weak track on here it’s “Runaway”. A slightly self-indulgent “diary” of being in a band alongside (to this reviewer) a weak chorus. I imagine the live arena gives it some more “oomph” but its the only disappointment on what is a fine body of work. LP closer “Warpath 82” ends on an anthem which is what this collection of songs is all about really. Big, ballsy, no nonsense anthemic Punk songs with their own identity. It’s always good to see bands “pushing boundaries” and the bagpipes are certainly not lost here. They only add to what is a great album.

Band members
Volta Highland Bagpipes/Vocals
Tomas Guitar/Vocals
Lukas Drums/Vocals
Syco Lead Vocals
Ondra Bass/Vocals
1.She’s The One
2.Calling Me.
3.Never Let Me Down.
4.Right Or Wrong.
5.One Connection.
6.Her Life And Thoughts.
7.Found And Lost.
8.Blackhearted Doubts.
9.Fear Is Just A Feeling.
11.Warpath 82.
Band Links
Review by Ross A Ferrone.