CD: “Beyond the Realms of Euphoria” by Galahad
November 6, 2012
As the keyboards of Salvation II – Judgement Day kick in, I get flashbacks of 80’s synth pop and I don’t know if it’s just me but Stuart Nicholson vocals sound like the Pet Shop Boyís Neil Tennant. Once I get that out of my mind I can relax and bask in the albums full glory.
Beyond the Realms of Euphoria’s predecessor Battle Scars hinted at the more rockier progressive sound Galahad were trying to capture and on this opus they have taken another step in that direction. Whilst not as hard rock orientated as Rush or Magnum, it has a lot more harder edged riffs permeating Galahads usual multi-layered musical soundscapes.
The progressive side of Galahad is never far away and epic tracks such as the albums standout Guardian Angel resonate through the album. Most of the songs clock in at over the five minute mark and showcase the exceptional musical ability that this band possesses. Beautiful piano introductions on “…and Secret Worlds” and “Guardian Angel – Reprise” both lead into outstanding melodic compositions.

For myself I like the harder edged tracks! Secret KingdomsÖ has a great opening riff, All in the Name of Progress is a song to be played whilst riding a motorcycle fast down country lanes (not that I do that officer) and both absolutely explode with vitality.
All in all “Realms” is an accomplished album ticking all the right boxes and upping the game yet again for Galahads place among progs elite.
Track Listing
Salvation I – Overture
Salvation II – Judgement Day
Guardian Angel
Secret Kingdoms…
…and Secret Worlds
All in the Name of Progress
Guardian Angel – Reprise
Richelieu’s Prayer 2012
Words by Dan O’Gara.