EP: “Lessons In Fire” By Terminal Gods
October 22, 2012
Coming out of London, and about to release their second single are Terminal Gods. Who describe themselves as having been touting their high energy, heavy leather, drum machine driven hard rock across the UK. Seeking to harmonise their primary influences of dark, dramatic post-punk with ruthless, brazen rock and roll. A combination which is strongly reflected in their slick, yet unapologetically raucous shows and releases.

Now, as true as all that might be, I am going to describe them as Goth. Maybe Goth Rock. Simple. And more importantly I like it. There appears to be a Rosetta Stone influence, specifically with the vocals. The automated drum-beat leads obvious parallels to Dr. Avalanche, but as a form of flattery, it gives it a solid recognisable Gothic feel.
Each of the three tracks come in with a healthy 4 plus minutes, and do not seem drawn out in the slightest. The guitar work plays off the drum machine perfectly, and with the vocals there is almost an eldritch feel to the proceedings. Although I have drawn an almost old school parallel to their sound, the tracks come across as modern, with “Lessons in Fire” there is almost a nod to “pop” (pop-goth?). In as much as the tracks are catchy, with their rhythms, and you get the urge to hit repeat just before it ends. Whereas “The Card Player” is a little more refrained, and leaves me thinking of Rhombus. The tempo is upped with “Constrictor”, which starts off with the feel of “Adrenochrome”, or “Alice”, this comparison is soon shrugged off, as the vocals set it apart, and again the guitar pulls it all together.

With a blending of old school goth, and the stylings of some recent bands, these guys are worth adding to the darkside of your collection (apparently it is were the cookies are).
The EP is due for release on Nov.7, and the 7″ vinyl is available for pre-order now.
I certainly would go and see these guys if they played near me (cue: “we were at you hometown last week”). Whip out the old duster coat, crank up the dry-ice, wait for the sun to set, and go see them! I’m off to find “An Eye For The Main Chance”…
Line Up
Robert Cowlin – Vox
Robert Maisey – Lead Guitar
Josh Cooper – Rhythm Guitar
Katie Haley-Halinski – Bass Guitar
Track Listing
Lessons In Fire
The Card Player
Words by Jon.