EP: “Dream World Of Magic” by Fleeting Circus
September 20, 2012
Seems to be a alt-rock central round here at the moment. In a vein attmept to keep things local (this is a blatant lie by the way) I have been listening to an EP by a group from Rio de Janeiro (why is it I can only think of Bruce Dickinson with his “Scream For Me Brazil” request? By the way these guys sound nothing like Maiden). But, according to their homepage, are the only band of their kind in Rio.
Reading about the band I noted that “Many of us have dreamed of doing something wild and adventurous in our lives like “running off and joining the circus”. Brazilian rock/alternative quartet Fleeting Circus has done just that.” How cool is that? (possibly with the exception of the smell of tiger poo, but even that has to be fairly cool, it’s tigers!)
In desperate attempt to get this review back on track, or at least started…
So here we have their EP “Dream World Of Magic” it easy to draw parallels with Muse, and a few other bands. The opening track “Life Between Two Paper Sheets” is the shortest on the EP, and serves more as an intro, and it certainly does that. With it’s dreamlike feel in as much as the band are drawing you into their world, on their terms. “We’re living in a dream world of magic, and we are trying not to cheat”

This is followed by the harder hitting “Fake Station”, with its short tight riffs and punchy drums, providing a backdrop to a change in vocal style. A complete departure from the opening track.
“Underground” has a persistent little beat that hooks you in as a softer track which grows with a subtle force and power. This is followed by a change in direction with “Come On” packing a heavier vibe to proceedings, almost hard rock with grittier lyrics. Despite the hard rock feel the track does not make the EP feel confused, but adds to the show. Well, there are differing acts in the circus!
“Not The End” has faster paced riffs and beat, with the vocals tying it all together. Possibly the highlight track of the EP. Closing the EP we have “Hurricane”, again with an understated force, the riffs shine through as the track ends with no pomp or ceremony; “this huricane of mine, keeps me alive”.

With the first listen not leaving too much of an impact this EP grows on the listener with every subsequent listen as it’s layers unfold showing different aspects and styles to the band. If I had not mentioned Rio you would assume they were just another American band, possibly even question their orignality. But these guys have produced a superb modern rock EP that shows a lot talent and promise. The EP has an edge. Not a sharp one, but an edge that sets it apart. These guys seem to be on the right track wowing large audiences, and from this side of the globe this EP backs that up.
The EP is available from Amazon, and iTunes…and no doubt other places.
Line Up
Taynã Frota – Vocals/Guitar
Rod Seven – Guitar
Danny Seven – Drums
Felipe Vianna – Bass
Life Between Two Paper Sheets
Fake Station
Come On
Not The End
Jon “okay so they are not local, but I got to mention tiger poo”.