Earthtone9/In The Hills/Muddy Miles
September 13, 2012The Anvil, Bournemouth

I seem to be in the habit of missing the first band on at the moment, so no comment on Greenhorn. Second band on were brand new record label Compulsion Records first signing Muddy Miles. They did a progressive set with atmospheric guitars and random vocals. In my opinion they overdosed a shade on the reverb during a couple of songs. I’m sure their recorded output will sound great but in the live setting it was a bit to overblown and plodding for my liking.
Up next the dark riffs of the most skull crushing, planet flattening band in Bournemouth – In The Hills. They immediately started to reduce eardrums to mush, as a vicious onslaught of Rifftanium (that’s the heaviest riff known to man) blasted out of the PA. In The Hills are looking like a seasoned professional outfit with only a handful of gigs under their belts. Brutally magnificent!
Back in 1999 Earthtone 9 were tipped by the music press as Britain’s next big thing but their music was in my opinion ahead of its time. Equal parts progressive, metal and melodic. They sounded a bit too extreme for the classic rock brigade and too harmonious for the hardcore crowd and didnít get the recognition they deserved. Critics loved them though and they would always pop up on the free cassette/CD that came with some of the rock mags. Re-formed and with a new guitarist they take the Anvil by storm and deliver a greatest hitís set with a couple of new songs thrown in. They sounded tight and looked like they were enjoying their second wind of earthtone9-ia. We were treated to just a short hour-long set but damn it was good. If you are looking forward to hearing the new album then actually get involved in getting it released and go to and pledge some dosh!
Off Kilter
Grind and Crack
Star Damage for Beginners
Approx. Purified
Tide of Ambition
Evil Crawling I
Tat Twam Asi
Wolverine Blues
Serpentine Placement
Vitriolic HSF
Band Links
Words and photos by Dan “respect the Rifftanium” O’Gara.