CD: “The Dollyrots” by The Dollyrots
September 17, 2012
If you get off on fun, outspoken punk rock with a welcome tinge of pop, then you’d look foolish not to have bumped into The Dollyrots, an eccentric duo from Los Angeles. Despite their youthful outlook, this new self titled album is their fourth record since the band formed in 2009. This year seems to be lining up as their best yet, as their new album was virtually funded by their fans through a Pledge campaign and they also have a UK/US tour with Bowling For Soup set to follow later this year.
So what’s on offer for their loyal pledgers? Luckily opener “Staring Over” proves to be 56 seconds well spent as a brief injection of pretty much all the elements of the album collide. I have to admit, I did have a moment where I thought, “oh dear, it’s just Bowling For Soup with Avril Lavigne on vocals”, but what else was I to expect? They’re from LA, they’re a pop/punk rock outfit and they’re touring with Bowling For Soup…I’ll move on!

Despite my British pessimism, ‘Hyperactive” and “Satellite” luckily don’t twist the knife on my pre empted verdict, as their energy fuelled flamboyancy can’t help but provoke an infectious rhythm. I imagine this band really takes things to another level on stage, as their sound seems fit to be echoed across large venues with screaming teenagers at hand.

Ok, so there’s nothing really new to take from this album, but there’s one thing that I’m certain of; this band know how to pump out catchy punk rock anthems like there’s no tomorrow, and if their fans like it, I like it! I’ll definitely try to catch them on tour with Bowling For Soup in October, you should too.
The album is released on 18th September.
Track listing
Starting Over
I Wanna Go
Twist Me To The Left
Time Will Stop
So Wrong It’s Right
F U Famous
Pretty On The Outside
South of the Border
After 2012
Starting Over Again
Words by George Fullerton,