CD: “Doing The Lord’s Work” by The Meteors
September 23, 2012
Over 30 years since their first release, and being the self-proclaimed only true purveyors of pure Psychobilly The Meteors release their latest opus, “Doing The Lord’s Work”. This 16 track heavyweight weighs in at just over an hour, so no doubt has to be value for money.
So what is in store on this long player? A hefty slice of PsychoBilly, that’s what! The traditional, and distinctive, bass and twangy guitar riffs permeate the whole album, with the addition of samples, giving the whole album that other wordly alternative vibe of 1950’s apocalyptic sci-fi, and horror, the staple of subject matter for Psychobilly.
Opening with “My Psychobilly Syndrome” you know what you are getting, and you know you are in for a treat. With it’s smooth vibe taking you down into the depths of somewhere dark, especially with the track “My Life For Thee” (which I am wondering if it is a reworking of Hymn!).

As the album takes you on its almost depraved double-based journey into depravity there is one surprise track subtley nestled in the middle of the album. Now I wouldn’t call it a stand out track on the album, and that is “Paranoid”, and yes it is a cover of the classic Black Sabbath track. As to whether or not this a sacrilege, is a upto the listener. I have some bizarre re-workings of this track, and this one stays true to the Psychobilly vibe, and brings a whole new dimension to the track.
“Drag You Down To Hell” would be simple pure Rock ‘n Roll if not for the dark overtones, with it’s basslines and drum style. But again the wicked nature of the lyrics takes into a whole different place.
One of my favourite tracks is the penultimate “Hell Must be Empty (All The Demons Are Here)” with a great line that hooks you into it’s dark rock ‘n roll. If Elvis had done exploitation this would be close!

Now I must be honest, my first introduction to The Meteors was “Teenagers From Outerspace”, specifically “Radioactive Kid”, and only a smattering of tracks from that point onwards. Only to discover that in their 30+ year career they now have quite an extensive back catalogue that has slipped me by! So from my distant introduction to now what has changed? Well on the surface not much, their studio sound is more polished, but upon repeated listens the infectous grooves, and murky basslines, the guitars twanging (I mean that is the nicest way!) all still hook you in. They are still dark, twisted, and fun! Throw in some fitting samples, I am sure I heard the Surfaries intro from “Wipe Out”, you end up with something that has not dated, and forumula that the fans want and love. Let the wreckin’ commence.
The Kings of Psychobilly are keeping their crown. 200%.
Line Up
P. Paul Fenech (Guitar Vocals)
Simon “The Prince” Linden (Stand-Up Bass)
Wolfgang “The Machine” Hoerdeman
Track Listing
My Psychobilly Syndrome
It’s A Long Way Down
My Life For Thee
She Screams Out My Name
The Man In The Cunt Skin Mask
The Last Temptation (Was You)
Strange Times Are Coming
The Shredder
Girl Meat Fever
Drag You Down To Hell
Ain’t No Turning Back
Don’t Blame Me
The Day The Earth Dripp’d Blood
Hell Must Be Empty (All The Demons Are Here)
Fuck Your World
Words by Jon.
Q: “What are the Confessions of a psycho cat?”