Funeral For A Friend/This Fall/Saint[The]Sinner/The Rocket Dolls
August 3, 2012Weymouth Pavilion

With Weymouth being the spotlight of media attention due to the Sailing events for the Olympics, was a high profile gig at Weymouth Pavilion such a good idea? The whole place was on lock down with very tight security all over. The only access to the area was by a free park and ride bus, surprisingly everything worked well and getting to the venue was a piece of cake. A virtually sold out crowd was in place for a rare 2012 performance from South Wales post Hardcore legends “Funeral For A Friend”.
The band have been in the studio most of the year recording their next album, so this was just one of a handful of shows to give the band a workout. As you would expect now from Weymouth promoters “Hourglass” a full supporting cast was arranged for everyone’s entertainment before it was time for the main attraction. The 1st of these were the unbilled “Rocket Dolls” from Brighton who took to the stage as people were filling through the doors, the three piece played some powerful tidy rock ‘n’ roll giving people’s eardrums an early workout, performing songs from their soon to be released album “Eyes” including the title track and another rocking number called “Wasted”.
The party really started when “Saint[The]Sinner” took to the stage, the band had swelled to a six piece and had borrowed Johnny and David from Dorset band “Griever” for the evening. Everything looked very well rehearsed and the band as a unit looked as though they had always been together. The band kicked off with their backs to the audience while the intro tape was playing, before turning around to face the crowd when the music kicked in and bouncing up and down unison, all wearing a uniform of smart shirts and waistcoats. The band’s melodic twin guitar sound coupled with two alternative vocalists produced an extremely exciting and energetic set that the Weymouth crowd seemed to completely enjoy. You have to hand it to “Saint[The]Sinner”, masses of work has gone into tonight’s set and they pulled it off big style gaining many new fans along the way.
Local boys “This Fall” could not believe their luck at having a gig supporting their heroes “Funeral For A Friend”, guitarist Tom Newton has been a fan of them for a very long time and to be sharing a stage with them is a dream come true, however their starry eyes did not stop them pulling out a show of top class proportions. The five piece band seem to enjoy the space of the large stage and took full advantage by whipping up a crowd frenzy with lots of circle pits and a wall of death forming amongst the excited audience, at one point the band produced an inflatable ring, which they challenged any of the audience to crowd surf in, after a few half hearted attempts the ring sadly got burst by over enthusiastic surfers, maybe next time an inflatable boat would work better. The band responded well to a much larger crowd than they are normally used to performing songs from their EP’s, such as “Ellen Austin” and the great “Too Close To Home”, the band left the stage triumphant after a great 30 minute set leaving the Weymouth crowd shouting for more.
So the time of the evening had arrived that everyone had waited for the arrival of the much anticipated headliners “Funeral For A Friend”. As they arrived on stage it was actually hard to believe that they were here, okay the Olympics are a big deal for Weymouth, but getting quality established acts to this town is also a big deal. A massive thumbs up must go to promoters Hourglass for finally getting Weymouth’s music scene well and truly on the map. “Funeral For A Friend” certainly did not disappoint, despite claiming that they were very under rehearsed. A gig in Reading the night before had really warmed them up for Weymouth. The sea air must of done the energetic band good as they powered through a set of rousing anthems all very well received by the masses of smiling faces in the large audience.
Vocalist Matthew Davies-Kreye was in the photographers pit getting everyone involved, putting his microphone in front of fans faces getting them to sing the lyrics too. The set was a mix of songs from all area’s of the band’s career including highlights “Streetcar” and final number “Juneau” which were both ably sang out loud by the rest of the more than obliging audience. Tonight was a complete success for Weymouth and for music and will be a night remembered fondly by bands and fans alike.
Roses For The dead
Old Hymns
The End Of Nothing
Escape Artist Never Die
This Year’s Most Open Heartbreak
Damned If You Do, Dead If You Don’t
All The Rage
Bullet Theory
High Castles
Front Row Seats To The End Of The World
Funeral For A Friend
This Fall
The Rocket Dolls
More Videos from this gig can be found at our YouTube page here.
Band Links
Review, Videos & Pictures By Dave Chinery (Chinners)
Additional Pictures by Marjorie Dench(Possibly “Kid’s In Glass Houses” number 1 fan!)