Sansara/Western Sand/Mobius Strip
July 21, 2012The Anvil, Bournemouth

Ok, first a confession. I went out to The Anvil Rockbar to see my mate Bear, catch up with some friends and sink a few cold ones. I didn’t have any intention of reviewing, so I didn’t take my big Canon camera as I fully intended to be steaming by the end of the evening.
So I apologize for the quality and quantity of the photos as I took them with my phone! Anyway why, you may ask, have I written a review then, one word…Sansara! I was blown away by how far this outfit have progressed since I last saw them in February. Playing the same songs, only now ten times tighter. And a passion that was only simmering before, bubbled over and drenched the audience. They had the crowd in their hands from the moment they took to the stage and didn’t let go for love nor money. With a confidence that belayed the fact that they have only been together for under a year, they tore into their set and delivered a first class rock show. They sound like early Pearl Jam performing a duet with Alter Bridge, very melodic with strong vocals and guitar hooks. I’m looking forward to catching them at a bigger venue, like Mr Kyps in Poole as I’m sure they have what it takes to step up and work a larger crowd.
Support came from classic rock outfit Western Sand who, for once, seem to have an off night. Normally very consistent live, they were plagued with problems, guitars cutting out and strings breaking. As a result they weren’t happy, and it reflected in the performance. But hey you can’t win them all, and they usually nail it. So guys, don’t sweat it, move on, the next show will kill.
Mobius Strip kicked off the night and their Foo Fighters-esque musical rock n’ roll was an excellent start to the evening.
Words and (Crap) phone photos: Dan O’Gara