Mutant Vinyl/Vlad
July 11, 2012The Winchester Pub, Bournemouth

A brand new local team of promoters by the name of H.A.M made up of students from Bournemouth University have recently got together in bringing a new refreshing live music night to some of the areas best venues. The first night is a The Winchester Pub in Bournemouth with a mouth watering line up of bands that pull in a sizeable crowd even on a Wednesday night. The team have brought together Silver Suns, Wild Fire, Vlad and Mutant Vinyl. Sadly due to other commitments I only made it here for Vlad the headliners.
Relatively new band “Vlad” are a 3 piece who were formed from two other local bands “The Emerald Guard and “Dom Remi”. The band perform a refreshing 90’s style of alternative guitar backed with sizeable effects in a similar vein to the likes of Radiohead. Their songs such as “Painkiller” and “Skin On Skin” show some encouraging song writing and musical talent, however I do feel the band just lack something in the excitement stakes and really need to up their game if they are to compete with other bands within the Dorset music scene.
The headliners really needs no introduction Mutant Vinyl who are fronted by the ridiculously multi talented Ed Pope who continues to entertain audiences by playing a host of different instruments in very different bands. As ever the anticipation is high and as the band takes to the stage, Ed can be Cleary over heard stating he is nervous before he climbs up on the stage, thankfully Ed turns this nervous energy in to a top performance. Tonight there is a full 5 piece band including a percussion section, who openly state they have little time to rehearse, the band perform with each band member looking at Ed for his expert direction of what they need to do and when they need to do it.
Kicking off with the every popular “Acid Honey” the band immediately get the crowd on the side with this festivalesque anthem. The great thing about Mutant Vinyl is that the are so unpredictable you really never know where one of their gigs will take you, for instance in-between songs the band just do an ad hock jam of a Red Hot Chilli Peppers number just ending it part way through and continuing with their set. Tonight the band give the delighted audience a preview of a brand new single “Playing With The Bone”, strangely it starts with Ed on a Clarinet playing part of a Christmas carol “God Rest the Merry Gentlemen” but it somehow works. The song is a fusion of many different styles mix Kasabian with Massive Attack throw in a bit of jazz and you might come close to the vibe behind the song, it is just awesome, when it is released in August it could easily get radio airplay.
The band end on high, with a storming version of The Clash’s “Guns Of Brixton”, various musical friends are encouraged to get up on the stage and join the band in performing this classic…..the unmistakeable bass line kicks in and everyone instinctively joins in, the crowd just love it and as you look around virtually everyone has massive smiles on their faces. The band as I have said before as the ability and knowledge to go all the way to the top of the musical ladder, at some point in their musical career they I’m sure will be releasing best selling albums or headlining festivals………..Record companies I give you Mutant Vinyl come and get them !!! At least those that are here tonight will have the privilege of saying the saw them in a small venue before they made it big!!
Mutant Vinyl
Band Links
Review Pictures & Video by Dave Chinery (Chinners).