CD:”Sounds Like…” by Adam Scholey
July 11, 2012Adam Scholey – Former Sonority of a Home Studio 2005-2012 album Review

When this 20 track “compendium” came my way I decided to give it a good few listens, knowing Adam as I do from local luminaries Damnation Alley, and more recently the frankly underrated Voice of Reason. Putting your material “out there” so to speak is brave, especially 20 tracks.

However, this body of work that dates back some 7 years is a wonderful collection. On opener “An Hour Away” Adam sings in a very understated way, almost personal. Vocally it reminds me of early 90’s Indie underachievers Airhead, while there’s a nice little ‘Inspirals’ keys section midsong. A great opener with a great ending. “Just Don’t Say Goodbye” is more classic indie with some great guitar work and a hint of Wiz (MC4) in the vocal. In fact, most of this collection has influences steeped in Indie’s lesser lights. “Fifteen Minutes” has some wonderful drum fills at the start with some intricate keys and an interesting vocal delivery. Nick Cope (Candyskins) comes to mind in the vocals on what is quite an experimental song, there’s even a “church organ” keys section at the end! “Calling” takes the personal route once more and is simple in its entirety-heartfelt lyrics unapologetically told in the medium of song.

Clearly Adam can’t resist a cover, this choice (Sloop John B) is not unpleasant, it’s just not my favourite. “Too Far Away” is more classic Indie-simple drums and guitars and a gentle clear vocal. ‘More Than Alright’ stays in the same vein both musically and lyrically. More “keys-laden” middle 8’s here but another simple song. “Nothing Left To Say” is another song to a lover/friend, personal and heartfelt while making a statement. ‘Do What You Do’ has a Summery feel to it, its a bouncy little number with more than a passing nod in the Candyskins direction once more. “Not The Same” has the best intro on here with its chiming guitar intro before Adam’s vocal kicks in. Some intricate key changes work well mid-song along with the synth experimentals. Lyrically great and an LP highlight. “Give Me Life” returns to familiar personal territory, which is another staple of this LP. Another great guitarry middle 8 before the big finish with Adam pouring his heart out-tender doesn’t even come close! “Come Back Around” is the hardest song on here with a ballsy intro, hard n fast drumming and some clangy guitars throughout. The whole sound takes a slightly “Yank Rawk” direction,not least with its noodly middle 8. This would no doubt be a live favourite and have people jumping! “Filament” is interesting – a song about the frustration of IT and all its problems.

Funny, witty and concise! “Keep Going” reminds me of “Jack FM” favourites The Supernaturals. Its a bouncy little song with yet another noodly mid section but another highlight on here. “You’re Not Around” is the classic F*ck Off to an ex-lyrically personal yet blunt and to the point. Whoever inspired this song clearly had an effect on the writer,I’m sure many of us could concur with the lyrical content of the song,its so brutally honest. “I’m Leaving” keeps the theme of the second half of this LP-look at the song titles,you get the picture! “You’re Lonely” picks the pace up once more but its the lyrics once again that are the star here. Hard drumming accompanied by yet more noodly guitar work and no need for a middle 8-result! “I Haven’t Seen You In Years” could so easily be the “Lightning Seeds” such is its simplicity. A poppy little number which bounces along nicely with its piano-led intro, its dreamy and summery in abundance. “Quite A While” has a “Buzzcocks-esque” guitarry intro, but the similarities end there. It has more than a smattering of “Jimmy Eat World” in the rest of the song (to my ears anyway)!

One of the stronger songs on here,definitely more Rock than Indie! “Moving” featuring one of my least favourite bands The Feeling is another poppy song with its piano middle 8 and personal lyrics. If pouring ones heart out in lyrics and song is the way forward then that’s all well and fine. Having said that I for one would expect Adam to rely less on the personal in future, and be more reliant on ‘fiction’ which would serve him equally well. However,this is a fine collection of some 7 years work and an LP I would highly recommend from one of Bournemouth’s better lyricists.
Adam Scholey: song writing, production, recording, mixing, vocals, piano, keyboards, drums
Sounds Like Demos: Part 1
Free download from
1.An Hour Away (feat. Ant Henson)
3.Just Don’t Say Goodbye
5.Give My Life
6.Keep Going (feat. Ant Henson)
Sounds Like Demos: Part 2
Available now from iTunes, Amazon,, Spotify etc.
1.Not The Same
3.Knew So Well
4.You’re Lonely
5.Nothing Left To Say
6.More Than Alright
7.Tell Me
8.Do What You Do
10.Good Looks Bad Dreams
11.Too Far Away
Review by Ross A Ferrone.