Preview: Less Than Jake
June 10, 2012The Old Fire Station, Bournemouth

Less Than Jake, the American Ska-Punk band from Florida are set to play The Old Firestation in Bournemouth, helping to celebrate 20 years.
Since its inception at the University of Florida, Less Than Jake has steadily evolved by always sticking to its musical ideals without being hampered by the influence of emerging trends or record company pressure. After spending time in both the indie ranks and with many majors, the band recently emancipated itself from label life all together to form Sleep It Off Records, in turn hitting the studio with producer Matt Allison. The end result is the ambitious and ultimately infectious GNV FLA, sure to connect with its extremely loyal fan base, while enticing new audiences thanks to a deft blend of alternative artfulness and accessibility.

Wed 20 Jun 12
Door time: 7.00pm