EP: “Why We Fight” by Military Arcade
May 8, 2012
When I hear a new of a new young band who have a sizeable influence from 80/90’s melodic rockers Big Country, my ears immediate stand to attention to listen and to find out what it’s all about. Thatcham, Berkshire three piece “Military Arcade” are far to young to remember the original Big Country back when they 1st started in 1982, however apparently their parents were huge fans and this influence has been passed on in a big way, as well as other sizable influences from U2, Nirvana and The Beatles, there is certainly no shame in rifling through your parents record collection as you never know what you might discover, sadly in my case all I found was Johnny Mathis, Barry Manilow and Barbara Streisand.
Military Arcade have just released a new 3 track EP and are donating all the proceeds to the charity “Help For Heroes”, the title track “Why We Fight” is a big nod to all the soldiers who travel away from their families to fight in wars around the world…..the lyrics are very emotive “This is why we fight we fight to save your lives” and should prick a nerve in any listener. Despite the band only being a three piece they create a big wall of sound worthy of their influences, along with some well delivered honest vocals that hit really the mark. The guitar work on the EP sounds accomplished and well put together with lots of great effects , but I cannot help feel a second guitar would bolster their sound so give so much more.

The second track “No Money” is all about a situation a lot of people find themselves in during these days of recession and the frustration it causes, once again more of the same solid guitar work and as with “Why We Fight” some great hooks which after the first run through would find the listening singing along to the infectious chorus. The final track is a cover of Big Country’s “Fields Of Fire”, it is not easy to reproduce a classic song like this and do it justice, this version just about succeeds in the task, but in all honesty I do prefer their own original songs. All the right ingredients seem to be in place for a great band and I look forward to seeing them perform live in the not too distant future.
Line Up
Ashley Miles (Guitar)
Aaron Miles (Bass/Vocals)
Mark Bilton (Drums)
Track Listing
1- Why We Fight
2- No Money
3- Fields of Fire(Big Country Cover)
If you like what you hear then you can buy the EP via the links below;
All proceeds from the sale of the single ‘Why we Fight’ will go to Help for Heroes.
Review By Dave Chinery (Chinners)