Ashestongels/Dead!/The Lost Souls Club/Tom Calvert

May 3, 2012 Off By Jon

On The Rocks, Bournemouth

Ashes To Angels

On The Rocks is a great new venue in Bournemouth and must be congratulated a the speed that the venue has set up and got a great music scene going, as well as top local band there are bands travelling from far and wide to perform at this great south coast venue. Tonight is the turn of headliners Ashestoangels who return for their 3rd visit here in just a few months, Bournemouth is fast becoming their second home such is the warm welcome they receive each time they make the trip down from the west.

The band are in the process of preparing to start recording their debut album at a studio in Glastonbury with help from no other than Wil Francis lead singer of “Aiden” and “William Control”. Tonight as well as the three main bands there is an acoustic act in the form of  Tom Calvert to warm up the audience with a good selection of covers before the main attractions arrive on stage.

On The Rocks: The Lost Souls Club
The Lost Souls Club 010203

The Lost Souls Club, who formed from the ashes of the band the “Plastic Toys” and are fresh from a sold out Asian tour, expectations for the band’s performance are sky high. The darkly clad foursome take to the stage just as the sun went down and provide an impressive set full of the dark gothic style, dirty Rock ‘n’ Roll, full of smooth guitar solos, and killer vocals, making this perfect for the departure of the daytime. Personal favourite was “I Give Up”. The Lost Souls Club certainly lived up to expectations, and then some. This band are a hidden gem that you need to keep your eye on for the future!

On The Rocks: Dead
Dead 0102030405

Nothing could compare us for what “Dead!” had in store for us tonight. The band, who formed from remnants of local bands at the start of this year have already shared the stage with the likes of Skindred, Canterbury, Deaf Havana and more. “Dead!” stormed through their set with their killer driving guitars, and singer Alex Munford’s Blitz Kids influenced vocals filled with hooks that were meant for landing sharks rather than leaving this tiny sea side venue incapable of not mumbling “Our souls will keep marching on, until the early hours of the morning”, after storming through “Damn Reckless Future”. To top it off, the band ended a strong set with a cover of My Chemical Romance’s “Thank You For The Venom”, from Three Cheers For Sweet Revenge, which resulted in Ashestoangels singer Adam Crilly leaping onto the stage and accompanying the band in to making this the ultimate ending to a first rate set much to the delight of the excited audience

On The Rocks: Ashes To Angels
Ashes To Angels 010203

Ashestoangels take the stage and as the crowd erupts it’s clear that the bands dedication and effort they put into their shows has all been worthwhile. Singer Adam Crilly is incapable of getting through a song without diving into the crowd and running around amongst their fans. The bands set has an insane energy which doesn’t break until “Pirouette”, a morose, pensive song played on the acoustic guitar, which had the crowd sitting on the floor with their attention strictly on the stage, in complete silence. The crowd leaped into the air as the last half of the song exploded into action, and the set continues with energy. The vocals, chants, guitars, bass and drums are in perfect combination; with a slight resemblance to My Chemical Romance circa 2004. Ashestoangels are one of the best live unsigned bands on the music circuit right now and will always be a pleasure to see. Their set has been a perfect ending to a fantastic night full of some great music!

Set Lists
Ugly Club
Most Beautiful Things
Pirouette (Acoustic)
House Of Leaves
Good Things

Damned restless future
The Chase
Thank You For The Venom (MCR Cover)

The Lost Souls Club
I Give Up
Slipping Away
Shoot Me Down
Good Times
I Know I Spoke Too Soon



The Lost Souls Club

More Videos from the gig can be found here.


Review by Rach Ballett
Pictures & Videos By Dave Chinery (Chinners)