Ashestoangels/Dead!/Ordering Chaos/C-30’s/Tom Calvert/Cherishport
April 13, 2012On The Rocks, Bournemouth
13th April 2012

Friday 13th, the classic “unlucky” day was put to shame when Bournemouth venue On The Rocks put on a gig with Ashestoangels headlining with support from Cherishport, Tom Calvert, Ordering Chaos, C-30s and Dead, which was no doubt a brilliant night – and even black cats, walking under ladders and opening umbrellas inside wasn’t going to change that.

Cherish Port
Cherishport was the first act on, and he opened up with his acoustic set that started off the night, and began to draw people into the venue with his unique, alternative performance.

Tom Calvert
Next on was Tom Calvert, who was a mixture of pure talent and also comedy to get the crowd warmed up and into the mood for the rest of the night. His set was a mixture of classics, funny themes that the crowd could laugh and sing along to, and also some originals. He was originally playing in his new band, Resolve, but unfortunately the other member wasn’t able to play so he had to return to his solo performance for this gig.
The first band of the night, the C-30s followed, and with their loud alternative punk rock set, the crowd began to stray away from the easy acoustic opening and more into the theme of the night as the crowds began to fill in and get into the mood of jumping and clapping along to the music.
Ordering Chaos came next, with a long set filled with all sorts of their covers, from tracks such as Bodies by Drowning Pool to Slither by Velvet Revolver. It was Chaos last gig before the band go on break, and it was obvious how popular they were by the crowd of people who didn’t want to miss the last chance of seeing the band for a long time. They played with confidence, and throughout their set displayed a combination of metal and rock ní roll.
Next came a band that was new to Bournemouth’s music scene, and they certainly made an impact that made the audience itching to see them again. Dead, from Southampton, performed their set with energy, passion and their talent was obvious as they brought in a large crowd and won over Bournemouth. Fresh and original, Dead were a breath of fresh air for Bournemouth and did a great job of being the last of the supports before the headliners.
Then came Ashestoangels, who had driven down from Bristol especially for this gig. They started their set with a bang, as normal, shooting straight into their action without needing to introduce themselves. It wasn’t far into their first song of the night, Seraphim, until lead singer Crilly was already off the stage and interacting with the audience, making them jump, and sing along with the words. His voice is unique; he hits and holds the notes, and his voice is raspy, although this contributes to what makes Crilly’s voice so memorable. The band members move around stage and show off their energy and passion, yet this doesnít affect their playing at all, as even though they’re still jumping around, not one note is missed or messed up. Drummer Jim, even though at the back of the stage, makes it impossible not to overlook his talent on the drums, by giving it his everything and drumming in a way that makes you not want to take your eyes off him, while bassist Nico walks around carelessly, swinging his bass around yet still delivering his riffs perfectly.
Ashestoangels aren’t one band that can only express one mood; each song portrays a different emotion, with powerful lyrics and catchy chorus. Not only does the mood of each song change; the band have the ability to completely change the atmosphere just by the notes they play and the way they behave on stage, and they show this talent as they continue their set with songs like Ugly Club, DollsDollsDolls, Most Beautiful Things, Elsinore and House Of Leaves. Then the band perform their newest song, Dorian, which seems to be a winner as the crowd continue to jump and sing along to the catchiest, repetitive bits of the song. It’s also a new song off Ashestoangelís upcoming album, and the quality of the song gives the fans an insight on how the next album will turn out.
Although even as the headlining act, Ashestoangels unfortunately got cut off half way through their set due to set times being messed up, so didn’t get to finish their planned set. That aside, the overall night was great, with a brilliant choice of bands and an atmosphere that completed the night that- except for a few set time mix ups- wasn’t unlucky in the slightest.
Set List – Ashes To Angels
Ugly club
Most beautiful things
House of leaves
Ordering Chaos
Band Links
Review By Bryanna
Videos and Pictures By Chinners
Ordering Chaos played after Dead due to the C-30s having a member missing and wanting to play a shorter set. Ashes would’ve gotten a longer set but due to previous bands running over and other issues beyond my control they unfortunately got the short end of the stick and sadly had a shorter set than planned.