Dorset Music Awards: Quarter Final 2
February 17, 2012The Winchester, Bournemouth
Featuring: Know One, Bad Magic, Shaun Gary Palmer and Sean Hatton

And so to the 2nd Quarter Final back here at The Winchester for this years Dorset Music Awards. “Dirty Jerkers” have pulled out due to illness so tonight sees just 4 acts starting with a clearly nervous Shaun Gary Palmer.
Sean’s vocals are clear and crisp almost throughout,almost sombre in places. Once again his dulcet tones are drowned out by a crowd happy to just talk constantly during his set. He has a mid-set moment,cutting short a number mid-song saying ‘its just not working is it’? He follows this with a song called “Easy to Forget” which is rather apt! He ends his set more up-tempo with a songs that lends its influence to one Jack Penate, then leaves the stage to generous applause.
Why the organisers have put 2 soloists on back to back is a mystery to me. With that, Sean Hatton takes to the stage. Sean’s vocals differ to the aforementioned by way of his throaty, almost whispered vocal. The delivery is somewhat calm alongside his proficient picking but at no point am I excited. “Lucky I Guess” is a heartfelt little number but once again audience chatter is the overriding sound in the room. On ‘Perfect Day’ Sean gets the handclaps going then takes his bow to decent applause.
It’s at this point I’m thinking this night is crying out for some action! Enter “Bad Magic”, one of Bournemouth’s better and more energetic bands. This band are loud, proud unapologetically Rock. Some may view them as cliched their influences are worn heavily on their sleeves. To this reviewer they just take some influence and make it their own. Strong vocals, power chords, bullish drums, stagecraft, energy, attitude and that rock “staple” the big middle 8-quite simply they’ve got the lot! Singer Chris tries to whip up a frenzy in this calm crowd with a number called “Riot”, which is one of many set highlights. Rus gives it the big noodly middle 8 while Andy’s drums are powerful throughout. Scotty’s bass is heavy all night and they end their largely faultless performance on a real high. Don’t bet against these young rockers making the final, they’re here for the long haul.
After that performance I’m thinking how are “Know One” going to follow that. Luckily for them their music couldn’t be further removed from Bad Magic’s. “Know One” are an entertaining 7 piece ska outfit with an agenda to have fun. The uniform (black shirts,red/white ties) for me is a little dated but my criticism ends there. Before the band start the singer takes time to applaud the previous 3 acts-sharp move,get the crowd onside early! They then launch into a confident set of their brand of dub/reggae/ska/dread-add or delete where appropriate. To this reviewer there’s a hint of Bad Manners but their sound is largely their own. Despite such a small stage area they still manage to skank away almost throughout, whilst urging this crowd to follow suit down the front-they duly oblige. The singer then joins them during set highlight ‘Kill or Be Killed’. Know one are clearly here to win new fans and I can count myself as being converted. Great tunes,great moves-all in all a great set and a good end to the show. If a place in the final is assured through endeavor, then “Know One” are a cert. We will have to wait and see.
Know One
Bad Magic
Sean Hatton
Shaun Gary Parker
More Videos from the event can be found here.
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Review by Ross Ferrone
Pictures + Video by Dave Chinery(Chinners)