CD: “10 Years Too Late” by The Unit
November 12, 2011
One doesn’t want to start by pigeonholing bands but two immediately come to mind on this EP, The Wildhearts, and Angelic Upstarts. On opener “Feel It” vocalist Harvey’s Wildhearts inspired vocals come to the fore over Punky guitars. There’s lots of “woah woah’s” amid a big middle 8,definitely more Punk than Rock but a good start.
Track 2 is a Punkier little number,Anti Nowhere League come to mind what with the ‘anthemic’ sound of the song. The guitar sound is clangy while Kerry’s drums remind me of 1st generation Punk in delivery.
Track 3 is vocally Mensi (Angelic Upstarts). Strong on delivery and once again sing-along anthemic Punk Rock at its best. The lyric “don’t wanna sit here all alone,on my own” is just begging to be sung out loud!
Track 4 ‘Big High’ is the slowest of the 5 tracks with more of a melody. However,it really hits its stride in the chorus. The guitars are “Foos-esque” with a noodly middle 8.
Track 5 ‘Jigadeeboo’ saves the best till last. By far the hardest and fastest song here, one suspects it would definitely be a crowd pleaser live. Shouty vocals compliment more clangy guitars with some hard drummin’. For fans of old school Punk and Rock this is well worth seeking out. “Ten Years Too Late” it may be but what a place to start.
Lead Vox and Guitar-Harv Harkishin
Backing Vox and Bass-M.Davies
Drums-Kerry Lovelock
By Ross Ferrone.