Pop Will Eat Itself
October 19, 2011Old Fire Station, Bournemouth

If you were a gigging music fan in the 1990’s chances are that you owned a T-shirt by Ned’s Atomic Dustbin, Carter USM, The Wonder Stuff or Pop Will Eat Itself. I think in terms of sales these three bands between them sold more T-shirts than records. The pages of NME, Record Mirror and Sounds were filled with stories of the antics of the Grebo’s, the Crusties, and the Goths who played countless gigs up and down the country.
Each band in turn have got back together after calling it day, PWEI got back together briefly in 2005 for a short 8 gig tour and now 2011 once again. Former lyricist and vocalist Clint Mansell has now has become a successful movie soundtrack composer in Hollywood, so getting the spirit of the band back was left to Graham Crabb. New members Mary Biker – Vocals (Gaye Bikers On Acid), Jason Bowld – Drums (Pitchshifter), Tim Muddiman-Guitar (Gary Newman) and Davey Bennett-Bass (This Burning Age) were recruited by Graham to continue the PWEI legacy by recording an intriguing new album called “New Noise Designed By A Sadist”.
As part of a 13 date assault on the UK’s music venues PWEI arrive at Bournemouth’s O2 Old Fire Station with a sizeable crowd to greet them. I am sure like myself there were many fairly nervous fans, who pondered the question would the new line up live up to and deliver like the original band once did. With no support the band confidently arrived on stage at 9pm. The first number was pretty uneventful and then next they launched into ‘Wise Up Sucker’ which saw several excited fans nerves dispelled. Mary and Graham strut about the stage, delivering the vocals giving everybody just what they wanted backed ably by the band and the samples. The band actually got better the more the gig went on and by the last number “Their Law” the whole place was rocking with lots of aging moshers down the front.
With the band getting close to providing a unique glimpse of what the original band once were like. Yes Clint Mansell was missed, and yes the band did not play a lot of favourites such as “Def Con One”, “Karmadrome”, and “92 Degrees F”. However, it was a very good show and the band certainly showed that they can evolve, and that they had something to prove. Whether they can continue and build on this solid start will be remain to be seen. If they tour again we will be there again as their are really no other bands that can deliver this style of music in this fashion. Long live PWEI in whatever format it evolves……………..
Set List
Back To Business
Wise Up Sucker
Chaos & Mayhem
Every Things Cool
Get The Girl Kill The Baddies
Seek & Destroy
Old Skool Cool
Ich Bein Ein Auslander
Cape Connection
Preaching To The Perverted
Nose Bleeder
Captain Plastic
There Is No Love
Their Law
For more videos from the gig go to the Rock Regeneration You Tube site, here.
Review, Videos and Pictures by Dave Chinery (Chinners) and Jon Mussselwhite
(The music reviewing equivalent of Batman & Robin)