EP: “Roll With The Thin Men” by Bridge The Divide
August 19, 2011
One of our own Rock Regeneration reviewers George Fullerton band ‘Bridge The Divide’, which is very different from his other folk band ‘Willowen’,they have just released their debut EP ‘Roll With The Thin Men’. They are a Bournemouth based 5 piece rap/metal band who combine pop punk hooks, metal rifts and edgy verses to create a unique nu metal sound.
The band draw ispiration from the likes of ‘Hollywood Undead’, ‘Limp Bizkit’, ‘Rage Against The Machine’ and ‘Linkin Park’. We could go on and tell you all how good their music and live performance is, but we are not as that just would not be right….We am going to let you find out for yourselves by listening to it here:

…and would encourage any comments to be left below!!
We asked George where the EP’s title came from………..Why ‘Roll With The Thin Men’?
“Well we asked our mate to write a verse for one of our songs and he had a line which mentioned I’m with the thin men’…so we made a play on words to make ‘Roll with the thin men’…yeah pretty stupid but we like it”.
Band Line Up
A.D.S.- Vocals
Casey Fullerton- Vocals & Guitar
Ankush Jain- Lead Guitar
Eddie Smith- Bass
George Fullerton- Drums
You can buy your very own copy of the band’s EP here:
Review by Dave Chinery(Chinners).